Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a busy Easter weekend. We spent Saturday baking deserts and coloring eggs. Marissa didn't want to help color the eggs so it was just Christopher and I. We had fun. Christopher enjoyed coloring on each of the eggs before choosing which color to drop the egg in. He also decided he wanted to see what the egg looked like so we cracked one open. He even tried it and said he liked it which completely shocked me! The Easter bunny decided to hide baskets instead of a scavenger hunt this year. Just seems easier to keep the scavenger hunt for the years it is just Christopher. The years we have Marissa she has to be home by 9 AM. So the morning just seems rushed. The Easter bunny was good to both kids and they got 2 coloring books, a new box of crayons, a movie, magnifying glass, candy, chocolate bunny, chalk, and a pinwheel. Marissa also got some socks and a cross necklace and Christopher got some spider man tattoos and a power ranger sticker book. We had a light breakfast before Marissa left and then we got ready to go over to my mom's for a egg hunt and a early dinner. I just love seeing my nieces and they looked so cute in their Easter dresses. Christopher was mister speedy at finding his eggs I guess next year we have to hide them a bit harder. He told Nana she was a "great hider" though! We had a great Easter even though we missed papa!(hope you are enjoying your visit in FL)
Love and Miss everyone. Enjoy the pictures!

King and Queen of Concordia 2009

Well we had a coin drive fundraiser at Christopher's school. Basically the child who brought in the most money from each class was choosen to be the prince/princess of their class. Christopher was the prince of the 4's class mainly because nobody else from his class participated so I threw in $10 for him. Anyways the prince and princess for each class recieved a sash and crown to wear to the king and queen ceremony. All the other children were sitting in the chapel area and all the prince and princess walked in. Each prince and princess chose a card off a table. only 1 card had a king symbol and only one had a queen symbol. The kids picked 1 and then they all revealed. Drum roll please....................................The king was CHristopher!!! Only he was't too thrilled. I probably could have kept my $10 for the fit he threw. He didnt want the crown or sash, didnt want his picture, etc. I think he was just embaressed by all the attention. Anyway I got a few pictures but my camera was acting up so they arent the best.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cherry Blossoms

Mom and I took the kids down to DC to see the cherry blossoms. They are absolutly beautiful and they were in their peak bloom this weekend. The weather was absoulutly perfect. I guess everyone thought so too since it was packed down much so that there was a line that we had to wait in for 10 minutes just to get into the metro to come home. It was a great day and the kids had fun especially when they were able to run about and climb this big tree over by the monument. Christopher thought the monument was very cool and kept calling it the big castle....He really enjoyed watching some people fly kites. Mom says one year we will actually go when they have the big kite flying day...Took lots of pictures so enjoy!