We had a busy Easter weekend. We spent Saturday baking deserts and coloring eggs. Marissa didn't want to help color the eggs so it was just Christopher and I. We had fun. Christopher enjoyed coloring on each of the eggs before choosing which color to drop the egg in. He also decided he wanted to see what the egg looked like so we cracked one open. He even tried it and said he liked it which completely shocked me! The Easter bunny decided to hide baskets instead of a scavenger hunt this year. Just seems easier to keep the scavenger hunt for the years it is just Christopher. The years we have Marissa she has to be home by 9 AM. So the morning just seems rushed. The Easter bunny was good to both kids and they got 2 coloring books, a new box of crayons, a movie, magnifying glass, candy, chocolate bunny, chalk, and a pinwheel. Marissa also got some socks and a cross necklace and Christopher got some spider man tattoos and a power ranger sticker book. We had a light breakfast before Marissa left and then we got ready to go over to my mom's for a egg hunt and a early dinner. I just love seeing my nieces and they looked so cute in their Easter dresses. Christopher was mister speedy at finding his eggs I guess next year we have to hide them a bit harder. He told Nana she was a "great hider" though! We had a great Easter even though we missed papa!(hope you are enjoying your visit in FL)
Love and Miss everyone. Enjoy the pictures!
12 years ago